Singing Guide: Boy Krazy

Singing Guide: Boy Krazy

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you looking to learn how to sing like Boy Krazy? This 90s pop girl group was known for their lively and catchy sound, as well as their impressive vocal range. In this guide, we will go over the steps you can take to learn to sing like Boy Krazy and showcase some of their unique vocal techniques with the help of Singing Carrots.

Step 1: Analyze Your Voice

The first step to singing like Boy Krazy is to analyze your own voice. Singing Carrots' vocal range test will help you determine your own vocal range so that you can match it to the group and compare it to famous singers. Once you know your range, you can begin to hone in on the style of the pop songs that you are trying to sing.

Step 2: Practice Pitch Accuracy

Boy Krazy's sound is tight and harmonious. In order to sing like them, it is important to be able to hit the right notes accurately. To practice your pitch accuracy, try Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test. This will give you a great baseline understanding of your current abilities and areas where you can improve.

Step 3: Learn the Songs

Once you have the range and pitch down, it's time to start learning some Boy Krazy songs. Singing Carrots' song search makes it easy to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference. For Boy Krazy, you might try learning one of their most famous hits, "That's What Love Can Do."

Step 4: Master the Techniques

Boy Krazy was known for their impressive harmonizing and lively sound. To help you master these techniques, Singing Carrots has a variety of pitch training exercises as well as educational singing games. In particular, their interactive vocal warm-ups and agility exercises are a great way to work on your range and vocal control.

Step 5: Incorporate Twang

Boy Krazy's music is characterized by their catchy hooks and upbeat tempos. To truly capture their sound, it is important to learn how to incorporate a twang or "cry" into your vocals. Singing Carrots' twang exercise is a great way to practice this technique.


By analyzing your own vocal range, practicing your pitch accuracy, learning Boy Krazy's songs and techniques, and doing a bit of twang work, you can easily learn how to sing like this fun and energetic pop group. Singing Carrots offers a wide range of helpful resources to help you get started on your journey to become the next Boy Krazy!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.